This time of year is always the time for a little reflection, and a re-focus on what we (as a company) are doing. It’s a time when we take a good, hard look at ourselves and ask ourselves how we can make ourselves stronger for the year ahead.
At this time, we also look at WHO we are – are we a strong, diverse workforce with wonderfully contrasting backgrounds allowing us to draw from a myriad set of skills and ideas, or are we a mirror image of one another?
Google sums up our thoughts on this beautifully:
We’re not where we want to be when it comes to diversity. And it is hard to address these kinds of challenges if you’re not prepared to discuss them openly, and with the facts. All of our efforts, including going public with these numbers, are designed to help us recruit and develop the world’s most talented and diverse people.
Because we believe in being open (you only need to spend 30 seconds on our website to see evidence of this) we thought that publishing our stats, our pledges and our ideas for development was the right thing for us to do.
As of January 2015, this is who we are:

In order for us to grow our company, get stronger as a team and continue to innovate and inspire one another, we must stay committed to developing a more diverse workforce.
Our goal is to ensure that this commitment, reinforced by our Values (particularly our Generosity), is embedded in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners.
Our policy is to actively promote diversity and to that end Surevine does not tolerate any form of discrimination or offensive behaviour that undermines our Values.
We pledge to try even harder this year to improve our diversity; because, in the words of the great Tim Berners-Lee;
We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges