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Goodbye to TechHub

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5 October 2020

Laura Crossley

There are people, customers and businesses that make up such an important part of Surevine’s history that we cannot unpick ourselves from them no matter how much time has passed. And so, hearing that TechHub London went into administration a couple of months ago really hit home.

Surevine’s TechHub journey

TechHub logo

Rewind the clock back to 2011 and Surevine joined TechHub OG – the first truly tech focussed co-working office in London. It was located almost on top of “Silicon Roundabout”, a much less glamorous roundabout than the name suggests. The space, in all its yellow glory, consisted of an open plan co-working area at the front (complete with tables made of recycled paper) and a behind-glass zoo-like area for the resident members at the back.

Amongst the hustle and bustle of a handful of individuals and tiny teams, all with dreams bigger than the room we found ourselves in, were the “ones to watch”. Those people with the dreams and (mostly) the ability to deliver groundbreaking and innovative tech. People, that would become companies, that would become the game-changers. 

There were beers and tears, celebrations and commiserations. But above all, there was a genuine sense of excitement.  Surevine were breaking new ground for a way of working, and what we were working on, and we knew it. Not in an overly-inflated egotistical way – just in pure unadulterated excitement, adrenaline and energy. 

Surevine thrived in this space. We learnt so much about working in the open and about the cross-contamination of ideas that can only happen by happenstance. We were swept up in the buzz as TechHub moved from the little space to Google Campus – and a rocket was launched at the opening party because… why not?!

Let’s get personal

If this reads with an air of romanticism about it – well, no denying that one. As Surevine’s resident member at TechHub I had a desk in that behind-glass zoo-like area. And because of a decision made by TechHub founder, Elizabeth Varley, to seat me, from Surevine, opposite a small company called Planvine (you see what she was doing here), I met a boy, who is now my husband and the father of my son. 

So excuse me for getting a little sentimental. But TechHub, despite us growing apart over the years, has so much to answer for… and so much I need to say thank you for.  

It is the greatest shame that someone elses journey won’t start behind those doors.


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