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Not voted yet? Do it for Emily!

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4 July 2024

Stuart Murdoch

 Royal Holloway Suffragettes

Have you voted yet? Still in two minds as to whether its worth it?

Emily Wilding Davison wasn't in two minds when she stepped out in front of the King's horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913 and died due to a fracture in her skull. She literally gave her life for the right for women to vote in the UK.

I am proud to be a graduate of Royal Holloway, University of London where Emily was a student. Royal Holloway opened in 1886, and became part of the University of London in 1900. It only taught women until 1965 and that proud legacy was still very much present when I graduated in 1992. The stunning new Emily Wilding Davison library, built after I graduated was named in her honour.

She might be the most famous, but wasn't the only woman with a connection to Royal Holloway who campaigned for the women's right to vote.

I am a father of two young women who I am proud to say have voted. I have no idea whether they have voted the same way their GenX dad. If you don't vote, and don't exercise the hard-won right for your voice to be heard, surely you've also given up your right to complain.

Still in two minds? Do it for Emily.


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