Decentralized Social Platforms

A response to Richard’s post: One thing I still haven’t “got” is how the distributed model of buddycloud, diaspora, etc, actually works, i.e. what is the user experience like. I suspect that’s also the challenge they face, getting the public to understand, if they are to be successful. Do you “get it” yet? If so, … Continued

Next up at SPA 2010: A talk by a real architect

Morris Mitchell is a renowned architect.  He talked about patterns a fair bit.  Interesting but probably the least relevant talk unfortunately, as I had high hopes given the Christopher Alexander reference early in the talk.  A couple of interesting parallels with our world but nothing new.  One statement he did make that resonated with me … Continued

Improving Software Development Across Government 2-Day Conference

On Thursday 29th April 2010, I attended the above.  As well as a number of government speakers, Ivar Jacobson and Scott Ambler gave keynotes on practices and agile at scale respectively. Software Engineering Practices I’ve heard this talk many times.  The bottom-line is that Ivar believes processes such as RUP, SCRUM and XP should be, … Continued

First workshop at BCS SPA 2010: REST

The first workshop I attended covered REST (Respresentational State Transfer) or, and these are my words, using the relatively simple vocabulary of verbs provided by HTTP, e.g. POST and GET, to provide a simple protocol to make requests and return responses (data and links to actions, i.e. workflow) using URIs.  REST got a pretty negative … Continued